Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Monday!

I had the house to myself this past weekend while my babydaddy was in Vegas so I tried to make use of the time to be productive and ended up with a couple projects completed but still TONS more I want to do.  Thankfully Mo isn't due here for another 76 days (!) so I have plenty of time to make more softies and bibs and most importantly a babyhat with bearcub ears.  I did end up making a little babyblanket in monkey print with yellow on the back... and two matching burp cloths:

And then of course I could not neglect The Land of the Bootie so made a second pair of booties for Mo out of the speckly yarn in one size bigger than the first pair.  It's just too easy when you can knit up a pair of booties from kick-off to the end of the fourth quarter during the Super Bowl!  Here are the two side by side:


That's all I have for now but this weekend I'm blessed to be visiting my family in the Rocky Mountains and plan to spend the time in front of the fireplace knitting and sewing!  I'm hoping to have the babyhat knitted up and most of a diaper bag sewn.  I'm excited to use the fabrics my brother brought back for me from Togo... Mo will definitely have a one-of-a-kind diaper bag!  

Happy February!  Spring is almost here!!!  Woot to the MAXXXX!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you use an incredible amount of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
