Thursday, August 19, 2010

New necklace update! And a message of hope!

Ok, so the new necklaces I recently shared needed more pics taken of them (I like to see jewelry hanging on a person to get an idea of scale so I got the only person I could find and photographed them) and I reworked the Lacey Panther - trust me, it was necessary...  here's Old Lacey Panther:
And here is New Lacey Panther!
It's longer, has two types of chains and less split-rings... more awesomer fo sho.  :)  

And here are the others:

Another thing on a totally different topic... I just finished reading "Hope Rising" by Kim Meeder and HOLY COW!  Talk about amazing.  The author and her husband run a non-profit horse ranch in Oregon where they pair up special needs people with a horse and a counselor.  The book is rad.  One passage totally struck me powerfully which I want to share.  Lately I've been missing my Mom-in-Law quite a bit and I felt like this passage was speaking directly to me and all the other peeps who are missing Terry.  Here ye are:

"Even the utter devastation of death's finality before God is not final.  It is His desire that our loss will embolden and motivate us to love those who remain with even greater passion and selflessness.  

It is true, the pain that we feel in life is certain.  What is equally certain is how we choose to feel about the pain.  It can destroy us - or define us. 

Like standing on a mountainous trail, we can choose
which way to go.  We can choose where we end up.  When confronted by pain, we can choose to take the descending trail that most often leads to a dark and lonely place, pitted with mires of helplessness, hopelessness, despair. 

Or we can select the ascending trail and, with some effort and perseverance, we can choose to allow our pain to motivate us toward becoming better people, to move us toward a better place.  A place where love transcends selfishness, where faith bulldozes the "what ifs," and where peace enfolds the heart like a warm blanket.  If is a place where joy takes on as many faces as humanity.  It is a place where flowers bloom in ash. 

Like an unstoppable wave of light pouring over the horizon, it is a place where hope rises."  

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