Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Baby Update!

Our precious little baby Bogey had his first real vet appointment since we've had him, and we're soooo excited to find out he needs $600-800 dental work.  SO excited.  :)  We have fallen head over heels for the boy so there's obviously nothing to do but fix him up.  Also, turns out he has a fontanelle (soft spot on his skull) which never closed up so we have to be really careful with his little head.  I'm seeing a tiny helmet in his future.  They took his blood and checked his poo and he's perfectly healthy otherwise.  Also, apparently he's five years old and weighs three pounds... not three years old weighing five pounds.  Here he is at the vet -- they put a little bandana around him to make him feel better after taking his blood.  Hello, handsome!

Except for a few little scuffles between Bogey and Princess (Bogey-incited scuffles I should add) the three dogs have been getting along pretty darn well.  Here they are through the screen door: small, medium and large :)
Soooo, Summer is basically here and our Cannas are back in action!  They're definitely my favorite lily.  I'm so excited for them to bloom!  Their orange blossoms are awesome.
AND our agaves are patiently awaiting our not-as-yet designed planting bed in the front of our house... don't they just LOOK like Texas???  Loving the agaves.  
Ok, that's all for now!  Hugs and kisses to all my peeps!!  


  1. Girl, don't feel bad. We spent 7K on one of our cats (he was in ICU for 3 days), THEN had to spend another $700 on the OTHER one for dental work. PLUS, my dog broke both of his incisors on cheap bones that ME the BAD MOM bought for him. Oops.

    Who needs human babies to spend all our money on, when we have furry babies that need just as much work!! ;) GAH!

  2. The three of them at the door MELTS my heart! And no worries! Whatever you end up spending, rest assured that we have spent more! Mackie, already had a knee ligament replaced, needs a little lump removed and some xrays, the low estimate around 700.00! Tucker has had two root canals! I could go on, but no need! Someone has to love and care for all these furry babies! They care for us!!
