Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I'm a total Christmas music freak and every year it's like TORTURE to have to wait until November 1 to start listening but I find it's usually better than starting sometime around August... and the people around me appreciate my waiting as well.  

I love this time of year with three fun holidays all packed in tight; Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all one big holiday food and cheer blur.  We managed to carve a couple pumpkins:
Nate's 'kin wins the prize fo sho:
and here's mine:
To be honest, I only carved mine to get to the seeds which I was dying to roast... and then I burned all of the seeds.  Sad day.   But eating three of these pumpkin cayenne cupcakes I baked made me feel better:

Ok, look at the most adorable itty bitty fuzzy wuzzy (practicing my babytalk) babyhat for a little babyhead that you every did see!
My Mom ("Grandmum") knitted this little hat for our sweet little boy!  It is beyond precious.  I'm going to have him wear it at the hospital so he can feel the love as soon as he's out in the world!   I'm thinking of knitting him some little matching booties because it has been confirmed that our boy does indeed have feet:

Lastly, here's the fabric my bro brought back from Ghana last time he was over there:
Isn't it great?!  I'm thinking of making a diaper bag out of it and also using it on some bags to sew to put on my Etsy store - I HAVE to branch out from the jewelry because Etsy is just overrun with it and I'm not getting much action there.  I'm inspired to sew sew sew!  This weekend I'm making cloth napkins so we don't go through so many paper ones during this great season of overeating.  :)  And when Jonathan is over in Togo this year he's bringing me back MORE fabric so there will be more awesomeness to report!

Alrighty, back to work for me!  Love. Strength. Peace. Truth. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Sissy, you should be writing a book - you definately have a gift, and I'm not just saying that cuz we're kin!!!! Why don't you write a children's book about having a baby???? Trust me, you could be famous!!!! love you!
