Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Don't Judge a Baby by His/Her Bonnet" and other adventures...

Well hellosies!  It has been a while, eh?  I've been BUSY working and knitting and sewing and cooking and cleaning and laundering and grocery shopping but most of all I've been BABY-RAISING!  :)  It is my favorite thing to do.  Mo turned six months old on the 18th and is now 14.5 pounds and 26 inches long.  The doc says he's completely healthy and developing at a normal rate.  In all of our adventures we did find time to put Mo in a very special little outfit:
This was one of Emily's tiny outfits from about 20 years ago and we had a little fun with Nate by surprising him with Mo wearing this.  He walked in and we could see the wheels spinning right away, he said "Who's that... wait, what?  WHAT IS GOING ON?"  It was pretty priceless.  I'm sure Mo will really appreciate this when he's older.

Mo is loving his exer-saucer right now and he looks especially boy-like in this picture so have a look-see at this and erase the previous images from your memory:

Mo is such a big boy now that he eats food from a spoon!  He likes a little oat cereal and sweet potatoes and peas and later today I'm trying applesauce.  I gave him banana and you'd think I'd fed him a spoonful of poo, he definitely was NOT into banana.  He's also not really into taking a bottle which means I'm still nursing the little fella every two hours through the night.  I'm hoping by the time he's 18 I'll start getting some good rest.  Here's a pic of the wee one eating his first solid meal:
In crafty news, I fashioned a new diaper bag out of a Victoria's Secret tote bag because the diaper bag I had been using was just not big enough for all you need to carry when you have a baby.  Here's the bag before I re-fabbed it:
I added two inside pockets and a velcro closure and used some fabric Jonathan brought back from Africa for the fun color and a slanty pocket and then some fuzzy brown for the heart-shaped pocket on the front:

In EXTRA crafty news, this is a cradle that Nate's grandpa made for him and his brother and sister some 35 to 40 years ago and now it sits in our family room for Mo!  He used it when he was tinier and now it holds his toys.  It's a beautiful handmade cradle and a very special hand-me-down:

That's all for today, I have more crafty news but need to take pictures.  Today is our first big snow in Colorado and we got 8 inches so far and it's still coming down!  Luckily Mo and I didn't have to go anywhere and we are spending a fun snowday inside playing with toys and trying to convince our dogs that Colorado IS better than Texas and that the snow will not kill them.  Maybe my next project will be tiny heated moonboots for the two little dogs. 

Here are a couple pics of the sweet boy.  This first one is Mo and his cousin Zephyr:

 Here is Mo modeling the hat and sweater Meemaw made him:
 Here's Mo with his Pop and Princess:
 And here's the little polliwog mugging for the camera: